
The best way to make Southside Church feel like your church.

Waumba Land

Waumba Land volunteers show up and work together in their unique roles to create a loving environment for our babies and preschoolers. Waumba Land could not exist without the leadership and expertise of our volunteers.


UpStreet volunteers show up and work together in their unique roles to create a fun environment for elementary kids to learn who God is and how he wants them to live. We could not open the doors of UpStreet without the incredible volunteers who offer their gifts to serve our kids.


Transit volunteers serve in a variety of roles to help create an engaging environment for middle school students (middle and high school at our Chatt Hills location) to discover a faith of their own.


InsideOut volunteers serve to create environments where high school students prioritize their relationship with Christ, influence their friends, and experience personal ministry.

Guest Services

Guest Services works hard, creating a remarkable experience for everyone who attends Southside Church. We want each guest to feel safe and comfortable. We do this by showing care, remaining flexible, having fun, and delivering wow.


Production volunteers work hard to create an experience for those who enter our rooms on Sunday mornings. We want to create a distraction-free worship experience for every guest.

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