
Experience for yourself why we say life is better connected.

Your Faith Needs Friends.

God uses other people to both enrich our lives and grow our faith.

We’ve made it easy for you to find a group of people to share life and faith together. We have groups for men, women, and couples.

Here’s how you can join a group:

  1. Find a group that’s right for you from a list of available groups. Groups registration occurs twice each year, in January and August.
  2. Register for your selected group online.
  3. Meet your new group at your first group meeting.

Groups for Every Season of Life


  • Connecting can be difficult; we want to make it easier and help you find out what’s next. If this is you and you are trying to find out your next best step, then check out Discover.

Learn More →

Starting Point

  • Are you exploring faith? Find resources to explore on your own or connect with others like you.
  • If you are curious about faith a Starting Point group might be right for you.

Learn More →

Short-Term Groups

  • Two to four weeks
  • Topical
  • Topics include marriage, parenting, finance, communication, and more.
  • Stay tuned for future dates.


Community Groups

  • Experience community and grow in your faith
  • About 8-12 individuals or 6-7 couples
  • Meet 2-4 times a month for a semester
  • Groups registration is currently closed, but if you want more information, please email [email protected].



“As men, we struggle to embrace vulnerability and how drastically this affects our family life. Surrounding myself with men who share a passion for spiritual growth with open and honest conversations is priceless.” George C.

“We have loved getting to know couples that are on the same journey of life as us. We get to share our struggles and wins as parents and know that we’re not in it alone.” Baird and Sarah H.


Leaders Make a Difference

Learn More About Groups

What is a Community Group?

Community Groups are small groups of six married couples or eight to twelve individuals of the same gender who meet in homes or online to pursue spiritual growth and healthy relationships. Groups are provided an initial study from the church.

What type of Community Groups do you offer?

Couples, men’s, and women’s

What is a typical Group meeting schedule?

Community Groups meet 1.5 to 2 hours 2-4 times per month.

Typically, Groups meet for about a year. During this season, Groups will meet through the end of the year and relaunch in January.

How do I join a Group?

Group registration happens online twice a year. In January and August. When it opens, you’ll have the opportunity to view group options and register for the group that best fits your schedule, stage of life, and area of town.

In what areas of town do Southside Church Groups meet?

The majority of our groups meet in these areas:

  • Peachtree City
  • Fayetteville
  • Newnan
  • Sharpsburg
  • Palmetto
  • Chattahoochee Hills
  • Brooks

Is childcare provided during regular Group meetings?

Childcare is not provided, but we provide a childcare supplement (at a predetermined rate) if you need a babysitter in order to attend regular group meetings.

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