Week 9: Gratitude

Monday: Watch

Answer These:

  1. How have you seen gratitude influence your perception?
  2. What’s one way you can incorporate gratitude into your day today?

Pray This:

Father, we have every reason to be grateful to you for who you are. Thank you for modeling gratitude throughout scripture. By your Spirit, help our attitudes be cultivated towards gratitude this week. Allow us to reflect on all that you are doing in our lives.  Amen.

Tuesday: Read

The greatest gift we have ever received is the gift of Christ. God loved you so much that He sent His Son to die for you in payment for your sins (John 3:16). Knowing that your sins had to be paid for and believing the Jesus’ sacrifice covered the costs, you receive the free gift of salvation and eternal life with Him (Romans 6:23).  

Spend some time reading Ephesians 2:4-5. After reading those verses, reflect on the ways that you have seen God’s grace demonstrated in your life.

Then, examine your own heart and view on gratitude. Our feelings are closely linked with our thoughts. We see this demonstrated throughout Psalms, where David often expressed his feelings while contemplating the ways God was working in his life. Part of cultivating a spirit of gratitude is reflecting on the things God calls us to think about. 

Read through Philippians 4:8. Make a list of things that you have been reminded of this week that are true, virtuous, praiseworthy, etc. in your life.

Answer These:

  1. Do you see God working in your life as a gift of grace? Why or why not?
  2. In what ways has Scripture helped cultivate a posture of gratitude?

Pray This:

Father, thank you for graciously giving us the gift of your Son. It is not lost on us that we do not deserve the free gift of salvation, yet you chose to give it to us. God, I pray our hearts would be drawn closer to you as we aim for gratitude this week. Help us to see all the ways that you are working in our lives. Amen.

Wednesday: Pray

Gratitude is a central theme found in scripture. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 says, “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” As followers of Christ, have a reason to be marked by gratitude. Psalm 100:4 commands us to “…give thanks to Him and praise His name.” This week has been designed to center our minds on gratitude. 

Today, make a list of all the things you are grateful for from the last 24 hours.After you have made your list, spend time in prayer thanking God for each and every thing listed.

Answer These:

  1. How often do you thank God for the good things in your life?
  2.  What would help you get into a regular rhythm of expressing gratitude towards God?

Pray This:

Father, thank you for every good and perfect gift that you have given to us. Thank you that we can see your blessings and provision in our daily lives. I pray that we would be more aware of the things that you bring to our live. Help us be a people that are quick to give our thanks to you. Amen.

Thursday: Practice

The blessings that we receive here on earth are grounds for gratitude to God. Scripture says that “every good and perfect gift is from above…” James 1:17. We should thank God for all of the things that He has provided for us. 

We can also thank God for the way he uses His people to care for us. Whether it is through an act of kindness, receiving a gift, or encouraging words, the church can reflect Christ in the way they love others. Hebrews 3:13 reminds us that we are to encourage one another every day. 

Ultimately, gratitude helps us reflect on how much we need God. Gratitude positions us in a posture of humility when we begin to understand that everything we have has been received, not earned. We cannot love God in return without His great love that was given to us first

Follow these steps to put gratitude into action today: 

  1. Make a list of the way that God has provided for your physical needs this week.
  2. Make a list of the way that God has provided for you through the kindness of others.
  3. Look back on all of the lists that you made. Write a prayer of thanksgiving to God. Thank God for the grace and blessings in your life.

Answer These:

  1. When was a time that God met your physical needs in an unexpected way? 
  2. Why should we continually give thanksgiving to God?

Pray This:

Father, you are so gracious to provide for us. You are a God who is generous in meeting the needs of your people. It is not always the way we imagined, but you are a God who is faithful to provide. Thank you for sending your people to be your hands and feet. I pray we would be quick to give you all of the praise. Amen.

Friday: Reflect

It is so important to cultivate gratitude by reflecting on the work of God.  Spend some time listening to the song “Psalm 23 (Surely Goodness, Surely Mercy)” by Shane and Shane. Pay close attention to the words of the song.

Answer These:

  1.  How do the lyrics of this song (verses of Psalm 23) influence your heart to be grateful?
  2.  What does it look like to make gratitude a regular rhythm in your life?

Pray This:

Father, your goodness and your mercy are so apparent in our lives. There is nothing left to be desired when we think of all the grace you have already demonstrated in our lives. Help us continue to be grateful for the ways that you are working. Help us to live a life that is gives you all the glory. Amen.

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