Week 3: Service

Monday: Watch

Answer These:

  1. Who is someone that influenced what you thought about God without ever actually talking to you about God? What did you assume about God from observing them? 
  2. If someone followed you around for a day, what might they assume about your Heavenly Father?

Pray This:

Father, thank you for loving me first through your son Jesus. Thank you for Jesus and his service and love to you through his obedience to the cross. Help me comprehend the magnitude of my service to those around me and not miss an opportunity or take for granted the chance I have to help someone understand you and your love for them.  Amen.

Tuesday: Read

Throughout the Gospels, we see Jesus serving others. He provided food for crowds, he healed those who were sick, and he spent time with those who would have typically been overlooked. The greatest way that Jesus served was in giving his own self in payment for the sins we have committed. Still, right before Jesus’ crucifixion, he washed his disciples feet. He looked for opportunities to serve even as his ministry on earth was coming to an end. 

Read John 13

Answer These:

  1. Jesus knew Judas would betray him. In what ways did knowing this change the way that Jesus served Judas?
  2. How does knowing that Christ served you through his death and resurrection influence your view of him?


Pray This:

Father, it is hard to comprehend all of the ways that I have been served by you. Thank you for caring for me even in my own sin. Thank you for sending Jesus as a model of how to serve others. I pray that you would give me opportunities to model this in my own life. Amen.

Wednesday: Pray

As believers we are called to pray. Prayer is a way to connect our hearts with The Lord’s. Because this week we are focusing on service, we are going to serve others by praying for them. Either write out your prayers in a journal or say them aloud. 

Please pray for the following:

  • Someone who does not have a relationship with Christ
  • Someone who has had a negative experience with church
  • Someone who is struggling financially
  • Someone who is having trouble relationally
  • Someone who is sick

Answer These:

  1. How easy or difficult was it to pray for someone else’s needs?
  2. Why do you think praying is a powerful way to serve others? 

Pray This:

Father, thank you that we can come to you in prayer. Thank you that you hear us when we speak to you. Thank you that I can petition in pray on behalf of other people. I pray that you would continue to place people in my mind that I am to serve through prayer.  Amen.

Thursday: Practice

There are many different ways that you can serve! Serving isn’t confined to volunteering with the local church or an organization. Serving looks like placing the needs of others before yourself. The goal for today is to bless someone around you by serving them. Ask the Lord to bring someone to your mind and a unique way that you can serve them today. 

Here are a couple of ideas:

  • Bake cookies for a neighbor
  • Leave a thank you card on your mailbox for your post office worker
  • Send an encouraging text to someone who you haven’t spoken to a while

Answer These:

  1. What was a time where you were surprised by having someone serve you? 
  2. What do you think keeps us from serving others?

Pray This:

Father, thank you that you have made us in your image. Thank you that part of reflecting who you are is that we get to love and serve others. I pray that I would see needs around me and be quick to serve. Amen.

Friday: Reflect

A huge part of service is recognizing that it is not about yourself. Service is never for your own glory but for the glory of God. Spend some time listening to the worship song “Legacy” by Nichole Nordman. Pay close attention to the words of the song. 

Answer These:

  1. In what ways does selflessness influence your ability to serve?
  2. In what ways have you given yourself glory through serving others?

Pray This:

Father, thank you for giving us opportunities to serve those around us. Thank you for allowing us to reflect your Son through opportunities to meet needs. God, I pray that I would always remember that service is designed to display your glory. I pray I would continue to serve out of an overflow of my love for you. Amen.

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