Week 2: Prayer

Monday: Watch

Answer These:

  1. In what ways has prayer influenced the way that you live?
  2. What are some of the things that have kept you from going to God in prayer?

Pray This:
Father, you are the creator of Heaven and Earth. You are all knowing and all powerful. You are good and merciful in all ways, yet you still want to hear from me. Thank you for making a way for me to come to you, to share my hopes and find comfort in my disappointment. I pray that I would have a right understanding of your will and that I would grow in my desire to seek you through prayer before anything else.  Amen.

Tuesday: Read

A form of prayer is praising God for what He has done. In 1 Samuel 2: 1-10, we see that Hannah has received the child that she had prayed to God for. Her first instinct is to then praise God for his provision. Often we pray about receiving things, but can forget to pray after God answers. Spend some time reading Hannah’s prayer to The Lord. 

Read This:

1 Samuel 2:1-10

Answer These:

  1. What does this prayer say about the character of God?
  2. What are some prayers that you have seen answered in your own life that you can praise God for?


Pray This:

Father, thank you for all that you have done. Prayers are not always answered in my own timing or how I imagine they would be, but nonetheless, you are the God who answers prayers. Thank you for the ways I have seen prayers answered in my life. Thank you for listening to the desires of my heart. Amen.

Wednesday: Pray

Today’s goal is to spend some intentional time in prayer. God wants you to talk to Him. Make your way through the list of topics to pray for below. Either write out your prayers in a journal or on a piece of paper or pray out loud about the topics. The more often you pray, the more comfortable you become doing it. 

Please spend a few minutes praying for…

  • Those who are sick in our community
  • The healthcare workers in our community
  • People in our community who have lost their jobs
  • The students/teachers in our community whose school year was cut short 

Answer These:

  1. How easy or difficult was it to find words to pray?
  2. What distractions came up during your time spent in prayer? 

Pray This:

Father, thank you that we can come to you in prayer. Thank you for the community that we get to be a part of. Thank you that you are providing for us in so many ways. God, I pray that you would continue to bring healing to our community. I pray this time would be used to draw others closer to you. Amen.

Thursday: Practice

There are many different ways that you can pray! It is helpful to find a method that works for you and that deepens your prayer life. One method is the ACTS Model of Prayer. Follow the format below to create your own prayer. Practice by writing your own prayer in a journal or on a piece of paper or by saying your prayer out loud as you go. 

  • Adoration: focus on God’s character and attributes. 
  • Confession: admit your sins to God. 
  • Thanksgiving: give thanks for the many things God has blessed you with. 
  • Supplication: cast your cares and requests on God. 

Answer These:

  1. Was it helpful to have a method to follow as you were praying? 
  2. Did you find that your focus of your prayers shifted in any way as you made your way through the ACTS Model?

Pray This:

Father, thank you that you are good, holy and just. You are faithful to forgive us of all sins and cleanse us of all unrighteousness. God, you have given us so many things to be thankful for. I pray that as I grow in my prayer life, I will grow in a deeper understanding of you. Amen.

Friday: Reflect

Spend some time listening to the worship song “Lord I need you” by Matt Maher. Pay close attention to the words of the song. 

Answer These:

  1. How is prayer modeled through these lyrics?
  2. In what ways do you think that understanding prayer changes the way you worship?

 Pray This:

Father, thank you for wanting us to come to you. Thank you that we can confess the ways that we have turned from you. Thank you for being faithful to forgive us. Thank you for providing a way of righteous living for us. I pray that you would help me grow into a person who quickly turns to prayer. Amen.

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