Nourishing Families in Need: Operation Lunchbox

Today, we would like to introduce you to Operation Lunchbox. Operation Lunchbox exists to impact the lives of people by providing nourishment to families in need. They have been serving families since 2015. In that time, they’ve helped feed over 500,000 people! Amazing!

They serve around 200 schools for the southside. Recently, a local teacher reached out to them and told them about a student in her class who seemed to struggle to focus before lunchtime each day. After lunch, the student seemed fine.

Operation Lunchbox partnered with this teacher to provide a student with a bag of food every weekend and breakfast each morning.

The teacher updated Operation Lunchbox on the success of her student because of their help.

Since the COVID-19 Pandemic, they realized that there is also a great need for adults to be nourished. So what did they do? Well, they converted their warehouse into a food pantry to serve more people.

Operation Lunchbox is an organization that deeply gives, serves, and loves on their community. Consider partnering with them by donating food or volunteering your time to help. To learn more about their organization, visit Thank you for being FOR the Southside through the Be Rich campaign!


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