Jump Start

Helping parents jump start conversations about faith

Steps to Elementary Baptism

We love to celebrate through baptism the decisions children have made to put their trust in Jesus as their personal Savior. Family, friends, and small group leaders gather to celebrate this decision in a big way! We have a plan to help your child take this step of faith:

Step One: Watch or Attend Jump Start

You and your kids will learn what it means to have a personal relationship with Jesus. It’s designed to help you jump-start a conversation about faith. You can attend Jump Start in person (usually held live in January and August) or watch the Jump Start video (above) at any point during the year.

Step Two: Complete Homework

Click here to download your homework packet. Part of this homework is to listen to a 5-minute, for-parents-only talk. It will equip you to talk with your child about faith in Jesus.

Step Three: Learn About Baptism

Once you and your child have discussed the Jump Start information and they have decided to put their faith in Jesus, have your child watch this 2 min video that explains what baptism is.

Step Four: Meet With Us

Click here to let our staff know your child is ready for baptism. Our UpStreet staff will meet with you either virtually during the week or in person on a Sunday. We’ll see where your child is on the faith journey and answer any questions you or your child have about baptism or faith in general.

Step Five: Film The Video

We will record a video of your child sharing about accepting Jesus as their Savior that will be shown during Baptism Bash! Check out some of our UpStreet kids’ baptism videos.

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