I first experienced Southside while visiting friends in Atlanta. After moving here, I started attending regularly and quickly became captivated by the vibrant energy, especially among the children. My friends’ daughter, who attends Waumba Land, would radiate excitement after each service, eagerly sharing the crafts she made, the songs she sang, and the stories she learned about Jesus. Throughout the week, Jesus would be a part of her conversations, and she would often ask to listen to the Waumba Land songs.
Growing up Catholic, I attended Sunday school, but it felt more like a chore than a meaningful experience. Witnessing my friend’s daughter’s genuine enthusiasm for learning about Jesus was truly inspiring. I was drawn to the joy and excitement that radiated from the children at Southside, particularly at Waumba Land. I decided that I wanted to be part of that.
I started by volunteering as a summer substitute at Waumba Land, and the experience was incredibly rewarding. Serving in different classrooms, I witnessed firsthand the joy that church, and specifically, Jesus, brought to these children’s lives. This experience ignited a desire within me to serve permanently.
Serving in Waumba Land has not only given me a strong sense of community in a new city but has also brought me immense joy. Seeing how Jesus shines through these sweet kids has reminded me that I am made for more than just my own comfort. I am meant to serve and share the love of Christ with others.