We all know that churches need volunteers to run smoothly. But for me, volunteering at Southside isn’t just about helping out – it’s incredibly rewarding and, most of all, fun! Week after week, I have a blast serving in UpStreet.
Beyond the fun, volunteering allows me to put my faith into action. Luke 12:48 reminds us that ‘to whom much is given, much is required.’ If you’ve been blessed with talents, knowledge, or even just the gift of time, using those gifts to serve others brings glory to God.
Volunteering has not only allowed me to put my faith into action, but it’s also helped me make amazing new friends.
If you’re unsure about volunteering and don’t know where to start, I encourage you to look around the church and see where you can lend a hand. You might be surprised at how fulfilling it can be! I truly believe we are all made for more than just ourselves, and serving others is a wonderful way to discover your purpose and experience the joy of living a life of service.”