Brandon is Made For More.

Brandon started volunteering in the baby room at Southside when he was just 12. Let’s be honest, most 12-year-olds would rather be playing video games! But Brandon? He had a heart for kids. He was always easy to talk to, had a great attitude, and genuinely loved being around them.

He quickly moved on to Waumba Land, always ready to lend a hand. But it wasn’t until he started leading in UpStreet that things really clicked. He had this amazing way of connecting with those 9 and 10-year-old boys. They saw him as “cool,” but he could also guide them in their faith. He followed that same group through 5th grade, and it was clear that he truly understood them – those rowdy, talkative kids reminded him a lot of himself!

Even during his time in the National Guard, Brandon never lost sight of his passion for serving others. He jumped right back into UpStreet when he returned, even leading a group with his brother.

Looking back, it’s clear that Brandon was made for more than just showing up to church on Sundays. He’s a natural leader, a great mentor, and a true friend to the boys he leads. His story is a reminder that we all have unique gifts to share. We’re all made for more.

You were made for more