Day One: March 14
Years after Jesus’s ministry on the earth, there were lots of stories circulating about him. Luke organized those stories in a way to help people understand who Jesus was and what he came for.
Day Two: March 16
In the first chapter of Luke’s Gospel, we get to eavesdrop on the angel Gabriel, who gives two birth announcements to two different sets of parents.
Day Three: March 18
After centuries of hearing nothing from God’s prophets, that silence was broken by John the Baptist.
Day Four: March 21
Right before Jesus started his public ministry, he was faced with a few very strong temptations to doubt God.
Day Five: March 23
A mark of Jesus followers is how we think about and treat the people who are not our people.
Day Six: March 25
When Jesus told a parable, he usually didn’t explicitly tell the meaning of the parable. But in one parable about seeds, he did just that.
Day Seven: March 28
On one occasion, three friends of Jesus got to see him in a way that no one else ever had.
Day Eight: March 30
Prayer is simply an opportunity to connect with your heavenly Father on a personal level. Jesus taught his disciples how to do it.
Day Nine: April 1
Jesus regularly talked to his followers about worldly possessions. He specifically talked about what to do when those possessions are becoming too important.
Day Ten: April 4
Following Jesus can be hard and it comes at a cost, but we become better at life and those around us benefit when we do.
Day Eleven: April 6
Sometimes you want someone to understand something so badly that you think of several different ways to tell them.
Day Twelve: April 8
When we think too highly of ourselves, most of the time it’s only temporary. It won’t be long before we’re humbled.
Day Thirteen: April 11
When Jesus was just days away from being crucified, he wanted his message to be clear.
Day Fourteen: April 13
Passover is a time to remember the Jewish exodus out of slavery, but Jesus added another meaning.
Day Fifteen: April 15
It was finished. Jesus was crucified. But Jesus's sacrificial death is only part of the story.