Scripture: Romans 12:17b-18 “…Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.” (NIV)
Thought: It is the day after a long year of debates, dissension and discussions. Today you might feel relieved, excited, joyful, sad, frustrated, enraged, scared, or a range of other emotions. How should you behave in light of how you feel? Remember you were called to live under the rule of peace. As far as it depends on you, what does it look like to let peace rule through your words, actions, treatment of others, how you rejoice victories, and how you mourn losses?
Prayer Prompt: “God, thank you that I live in a country where I have a voice, and a freedom to cast my vote. Whether I feel I have won or lost; remind me today to be sensitive to others, to promote peace, and help me be ever so trusting of your sovereign rule over all things.”