Next Step Badges

At Southside Church, we know that growing spiritually isn’t one-size-fits-all, and each of us grow at our own pace. Next Steps are areas of engagement for you to grow as a follower of Jesus.

Your personal dashboard will highlight and celebrate your steps and encourage you to take your Next Step.


Attend a Sunday service to connect with God and others.

The Attend icon will light if an individual checks in at least two times in a rolling eight weeks in any of the following ways: Dashboard check-in through the check-in pop-up when opening the app on Sunday or checking in children to a kid’s environment on Sunday.


If you have made the decision to follow Jesus, baptism is the best way to celebrate what God is doing in your life. Click here to learn more about taking the step to be baptized.

The Baptism icon will light by taking the step to be baptized. If you have been baptized, you can light your icon by updating the baptism information on your profile. Look for the “update profile” link on your dashboard or click here. Note that your badge may take 24-48 hours to update.


The right relationships will help you stay connected and share the ups and downs that life throws your way. Experience for yourself why we say, “Life is better connected!”

The Groups icon will light if you are on the roster of an adult community group. Click here to learn more about Groups!


Giving allows us to demonstrate that God is more important to us than material things, and it’s one of the best ways to leave a legacy.

The Give icon will light for an individual and his/her spouse if a contribution to the Southside General Fund was made in the last 3 months.

Make a gift today!


Serving is a great way to connect with others and make a difference. Click here to begin a conversation and learn more about joining a team here at Southside Church.

The Serve icon lights up when you are on an active serving group roster.